Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fun Christmas Activites
Kendyl and I went to see the Princess and the Frog on opening weekend. She just loves movies and really enjoys going to the theater to see them. She sat there through the whole movie and was mesmerized. I thought she might be a little scared of the Voodoo guy, but she didn't even notice. They showed a preview for the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie and we are both looking forward to that. I think we are going the week after Christmas with our friends!
This week Kendyl also had her Happy Birthday Jesus party at school. She was in charge of bringing the Twinkies. They decorated them with icing and sprinkles and made them into cakes for Jesus' birthday party! She brought home a gift for me and her daddy. It was a homemade ornament with a picture of her in it. I just love all the little projects they make at school!
Kendyl told me the other day that we picked the best sister for her. It just makes me so happy that she likes her sister so much. I know they are going to have their fair share of disagreements, but I hope they have a great friendship too.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We went to my husband's family for breakfast and my family for dinner. Kendyl had so much fun playing with her cousins and Mady was all smiles for everyone.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Four Months
- You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed between 8:30 and 9:30. You put yourself to sleep and sleep all night.
- You are now in 3-6 months clothes and size 2 diapers.
- You like your rice cereal but you prefer it in your bottle. You get to frustrated trying to eat it off the spoon.
- You roll over from your back to your tummy and your tummy to your back.
- You are starting to enjoy your tummy time and you look so big when you hold your head up!
- You have officially found your voice and you love to try to talk to us.
- You have to face out when we hold you. You get mad if you can't see what's going on.
- Your sister still loves you to pieces. She has to hold you at least once a day and she just loves kissing your soft hair!
I am so thankful to have such a good happy baby and I just love watching your sister with you. It is great to see the love written all over her face!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Some Milestones
You first rolled from your tummy to your back on October 30. You did it twice that night but you haven't done it since. Lucky for me I got it on video. Its a shame I can't figure out how to put that anywhere.
You are so close to being able to roll from your back to your tummy but you just can't get your last arm out of the way.
You laughed for the first time November 2. Your aunt Diane was tickling your thighs and you laughed at her.
You rolled from your back to your tummy for the first time November 8.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Three Months
- You sleep through the night more nights than you don't.
- You weigh 10 lbs 9 oz, so you have officially doubled your birth weight.
- You are 21 1/2 inches long, so that means you are in the 25 % for height and weight.
- You smile a lot and it seems like you might be trying to laugh
- You tried rice cereal for the first time and you weren't too sure about it, you struggle to eat it off a spoon but have no problems sucking it down in your bottle
- You are getting close to outgrowing your 0-3 months close even though you just started to fit in them!
- You love your big sister and try to watch her constantly
- You make us all so happy and we couldn't imagine life without you!
We love you baby girl!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pumpkin Patch
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fish Fry
Better Late than Never
- You slept through the night for the first time at 6 weeks. Now it is almost becoming regular. I am so happy to have a good sleeper, expecially since Kendyl still wakes up most nights!
- You wore your first 0-3 month outfit this week. You are still so small, but I can't believe how much bigger you have gotten.
- You love your swing. You like to watch the birds sing and you will "yell" at us if we don't turn on the music.
- You aren't too sure about your Bumbo seat yet, but we are working on it.
- You did not have any problems adjusting to spending your days with Aunt Jessica and you have started to be happier in the evening. I guess you were just stir crazy and wanted out of the house.
- If you are in your car seat, you have to be moving. If you are awake in the car and we have to stop for a red you light, you cry until we start to move again.
- You love to watch Kendyl, and she loves to have you watch her. She likes to cuddle with you and insists on giving you lots of hugs and kisses. Hopefully she will always like you as much as she does right now!
Its hard to believe you have only been here 2 months because I can't remember life without you!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Where does the time go?
On a completely different note I have decided to start running. I did my first 5K a couple weeks ago and I have another one Saturday morning. I am not very good and I can't run very far or very fast, but I had to start somewhere and I am determined to be able to run one all the way through. I will keep you posted!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Funny Story
So, the day after Kendyl started preschool (September 2 for the record), Mady smiled on purpose for the first time. Now of course I couldn't get it on camera, but I really tried to recreate it. Those pictures are the best I could do. The first one is really just to get a picture of her in the I love Mommy onesie!
Monday, August 24, 2009
One Month
Guess who's one month old?!?!?!
So here is a little about Mady's first month here:
- You are so tiny! You were 6 lbs 8 oz at your last doctor's appointment.
- You are still in newborn diapers and I think you are going to be there awhile.
- You barely fit into your newborn clothes and some outfits are still too big; I am beginning to think you aren't going to fit in your 0-3 months clothes before it starts getting cold!
- You are starting to get on a good schedule. You eat every 3 hours during the day, but longer at night. You have gone as much as 7 hours at night but 5 is more of the average.
- You smile while you are sleeping but you haven't done it while you are awake yet. Daddy even heard you laugh while you are sleeping yesterday!
- You are so laid back! You hardly ever cry, only when you are hungry or we are changing your diaper, and all it takes to comfort you is to be held.
This is your favorite place to sleep. You absolutely love your bouncy seat, but it has to be vibrating! If we turn it off you wake up almost immediately!
We put you in your swing for the first time this weekend. You loved it and went right to sleep. I have a feeling you will be spending quite a bit of time in there. I can remember many nights when Kendyl slept in that very swing!
Your shirt tells eveyone what you like the most, to be hugged. Kendyl has spent many hours lying next to you cuddling and she insists on giving you a kiss and a hug every night before bed. She loves you to pieces and so do me and Daddy! We are so happy that you are finally here and we couldn't imagine our family without you!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
She's here! Madelyn Dixie Heitland arrived Friday, July 24, 2009 at 10:10 am. She was 5 lbs 3 oz (just like Kendyl) and measured 18 1/2 inches long.
So far she is a very good baby. She is more laid back than Kendyl was, but she just can't seem to get enough to eat! Once she is full she sleeps for at least 4 hours so that is nice.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Countdown is ON!!!
Now I know if probably seems like Build a Bear would not fall into the bed rest category, but I did it as safely as I could. It has been my plan for quite some time to take her to Build a Bear before her sister came. We were using it as a bribe to keep her in her bed and she came so close so many times that I finally gave up on that and decided to just take her. I cannot begin to tell you how excited she was. She was practically bouncing in her car seat the entire way to the mall.
So once I decided we were for sure going I did a little research. I found out what time the mall opened and where exactly Build a Bear was in that mall. It isn't in the mall we usually go to so I wasn't entirely sure. I made sure we got there just before the mall opened so we could get a close parking spot and be first in line. It all worked out very well and we were in and out in about 20 minutes. I had decided this would be OK because the nurse at the hospital said I was good to cook dinner if I wanted and Build a Bear is way less stressful than that :-).
So let me back up and tell you why I am on bed rest. I went to the doctor last Wednesday. It was my last appointment with the high risk doctor and they were going to check Madelyn's growth and make sure my blood sugar was cooperating. They did an ultrasound and she was 5 lbs 8 oz. That put her in the 15th percentile. They tend to not like babies to be under the 20th percentile so they didn't like that too much. Before they did the ultrasound they took my blood pressure and it was a little high. When you put those together the doctor was none too happy so he sent me home on bed rest until my appointment with my personal doctor the next day.
I fully expected to go to the doctor the next day and everything be fine, like it has been all along, and get sent home to return to work the next day. I was wrong. My blood pressure was a little high when I got there and had gone down slightly during my non stress test, but it was pretty high by the time I was ready to leave. So high that my doctor instructed me to go to the hospital. Joy.
I spent a couple hours getting monitored and my bloodpressure went down so they sent me home on bedrest until my Monday appointment. So yesterday I went back to the doctor. My blood pressure was still high when I got there. They sent me in for my non stress test and my doctor came to see me. The first thing she said is, " We aren't going to make it until next week". I already expected this so it was not a surprise. She told me she wanted to schedule a C section for the next morning. Unfortunately she couldn't find a hospital with any openings so she sent me back over to get monitored. Her reasoning was if my blood pressure didn't go down they could work me earlier than if we just scheduled the surgery. She also said if it went down she was OK with scheduling it later in the week. It went down and my blood work was fine so I was discharged on bed rest and we have scheduled my C section for FRIDAY!!! I do still have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and I suppose there is still a chance Madelyn could come on her own before then, but right now the plan is July 24.
That means I get to meet Madelyn in 3 DAYS!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Madelyn's Room
Here is a close up of her changing table and the decorations above it and a view of the wall her dresser is on.
Here are a couple of close ups of her bed. I absolutely love her bedding!
We have her name above her bed, just like we did with Kendyl. Her letters are adorable. They have the same polka dots and stripes as her bedding.
This is her closet door. Kendyl got to put the polka dots on and Daddy put the flowers on.